To Be Still and Know...God's Word Is Truth

*I had fully intended for my next post to be on how we as wives treat our husbands but I felt God pulling me in a different direction right now and since I am writing this blog as a way to serve and glorify Him, I want to write on what I feel He's put on my heart!*

"For the word of God is alive and powerful.  It is sharper than the sharpest two edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.  Nothing in all creation is hidden from God.  Everything is naked and exposed before His eyes, and He is the one to whom we are accountable."  Hebrews 4:12-13

As I felt the Lord calling me to write about this topic the above verse came to mind and along with it the song "Word of God Speak" by Mercy Me.  (This is a song I always like to listen to before leading a Bible study because I want to move me out of the way and let the Word of God do the talking!) The very first verse that popped up on the screen is the verse I had just written and then as I am listening to the song I hear "to be still and know..."  This was God totally affirming to me that this blog is a ministry He's put on my heart to do as well as this post is supposed to be written right now!  So without further adieu let's dig in!

God's Word is active and alive!  What does this mean?  It means that you can read the Bible over and over and it will apply differently to your life at different times depending on where you are spiritually and what you are going through.  God's Word is meant to teach us how to live life the way God's meant for us to, to encourage and strengthen us, to give us peace and direction, and to correct us when we need it.  "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives.  It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right." 2 Timothy 3:16
Life is hard and there is so much thrown at us every day.  We can easily get confused about what it is God's calling us to do, what is God's plan and what isn't.  The way we can avoid getting confused about what God is calling us to do with our lives and our days is by choosing to read, meditate on and put into practice His Word.  The more time we spend in His Word, the more of it we will understand and start to crave!  It's like sugar, the more we eat the more of it we want.  With God's Word, once we start getting into a daily habit of reading it, we will see all the ways God has clearly explained how we should live and thereby our choices and desires and priorities will change and become in line with what He wants for our life.  It won't be a battle to find out what He's wanting from you because you will be shaping your life around what His Word tells you and you will then be living within His will.  "Jesus replied, 'But even more blessed are all who hear the Word of God and put it into practice'." Luke 11:28

"But don't just listen to God's word.  You must do what it says.  Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves." James 1:22

There are people and very sadly churches that are trying to "update" the Bible or change it to fit with "the times".  They say that the Bible is "outdated" and not modern enough.  Times have changed so the Bible needs to change too.  If you are a child of God this should anger you.  It angers me and is partly what prompted me to start this blog.  God's Word, is the supreme authority, always has been and always will be whether or not anyone wants to accept it.  If there is something in God's Word that we don't agree with then we are the ones that are wrong, not God.  If something in the Bible offends us, then we have some issues that need to be worked on.  This is a truth people do not want to accept these days.  People are wanting to live by "if it makes you happy then do it" mind set and this goes against God's Word and if it goes against God's Word it is wrong.  Plain and simple wrong.  Our World is in such a tragic mess right now because people are "doing whatever makes them happy". Guess what?  Happiness is based on things that happen and things that makes us "happy" change every single day.  Cheesecake used to make me happy for years but for some reason in the past few years I can't stand the thought of it.  If I had based my whole life on the happiness that cheesecake brought me, I would be in a bad place and completely lost now that it no longer brings me happiness.  Sin makes people happy.  Pornography brings momentary happiness to the one watching.  Getting drunk brings momentary happiness to the one drinking.  Gorging on food, brings the one eating, momentary happiness.  These are all sins.  Sin leads to death.  Sin is why Jesus came and died on the cross.  To live life by doing whatever makes you happy is not God's plan for you.  To place your identity in searching for happiness will leave you empty because your happiness will change throughout life and you will always be seeking to fill that void.  I am not saying you can't be happy in life, but the mentality of "do whatever makes you happy" is not a lifestyle God has called us to.  The joy (unchanging peace and confidence) that comes from a life surrendered to the Lord, built on the solid unchanging truths in God's word is where a full and rich life can be obtained.  Placing your identity in Christ, and seeking His word to guide your life will give you that firm unbreakable foundation that you were meant to have.  
"For the word of God will never fail." Luke 1:37

"Every word of God proves true.  He is a shield to all who come to him for protection." Proverbs 30:5

"The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

And we must be cautious when reading supplements to the Bible because there is a clear warning in the book of Revelation about adding to or removing anything from the Bible. "And I solemnly declare to everyone who hears the words of prophecy written in this book: If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book.  And if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove that person's share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book." Revelation 22:18-19  The Bible is a done deal.  There are no extra books discovered years later and nothing in the Bible should be changed to get with "modern times".  God's Word is God's Word.  We as children of God need to live out this truth and be determined to live our lives according to the Bible regardless if it's "modern" or not.  Like Hebrews 4:13 said, it is God to whom we are accountable, nobody else.  Be courageous, take a firm stand on the Word of God and let Him help you live out His truths, His way.


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