To Be Still and Know...How We Treat Others Matters Pt. 1

"Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:12

It has become a little cliche everyone just tosses around, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." but it's so much more than a little nice sounding phrase.  It's a direct command from Jesus. It's also a phrase that a lot of people live the opposite of, and instead choose to do to others as others have done to them.  Pay back.  Revenge. Grudges. Hearts that are weighed down with the heavy weight of unforgiveness and bitterness.  We have all been betrayed and let down and hurt by someone in our lives but guess what, we have all also betrayed, let down and hurt someone in our lives.  Stop for a moment and let that sink in.  We are not innocent victims with a flawless record.  We are all sinful people living in a sinful world and we ALL let each other down and hurt one another at times.  Sometimes it's intentional, sometimes it's not.  Either way, we have been the person that has caused another person to be hurt or let down in some manner.  And from our own experience of our own hurts we know it doesn't really matter if it was intentional or not, the hurt and betrayal cuts deep.  Now ask yourself in the privacy of your own heart and mind, when you have been the one to cause the hurt don't you want that person to forgive you and be able to move on in the relationship?  And I am not talking about conditional forgiveness where you know this instance will be brought up again or that you have to jump through hoops to "earn" the forgiveness.  Don't  you want grace and unconditional forgiveness?  (You know the kind that Jesus offers to us all!)  Of course you do!  We all want that.  So if you want that kind of grace and forgiveness when you need it you must be willing to extend that kind of grace and forgiveness to others.  That's truly living out Matthew 7:12!
I recently had an instance where I was being hurt by a friends "lack of participation" in our friendship. Basically I felt very forgotten, as if I was not important to this friend anymore.  I saw this friend make time in her busy life to be with other friends but not me.  I tried setting things up with her but her schedule just never seemed to allow room for me and it hurt.  I carried this hurt around silently for awhile and prayed about if I should talk to her about it.  I was sitting in church on Sunday and my pastor was reading a passage from 1 Peter and came upon this verse "Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8.  Oh how I knew immediately what I was supposed to do, there was just no doubt in my mind!  I knew that I loved this friend way too much, and valued our friendship way too much, to allow myself to continue to be hurt by something that I knew was a stumbling block Satan had put before me.  I knew that I needed to keep on loving her and being there for her and let the hurt go.  It wasn't as if she had done some tremendous wrong to me.  I was just allowing my feelings to get hurt.  There was something instantaneously freeing in accepting this truth and allowing God's love to cover the hurt.  Sometimes forgiveness may never be asked for by the person who has hurt you, but that doesn't mean you can't and shouldn't give it.  The bigger the offense the harder it will be, especially when they don't ever ask or even seem to be sorry for their actions.  Forgiveness isn't just for them though. It is just as much for you!  Harboring unforgiveness and bitterness will eat you up inside and suck you dry of joy and peace.  It can become all consuming and ruin your life if you let it.  So whoever it is that you need to forgive, start today by simply asking God to help you learn to forgive that person.  He will help you, it may take time to be able to say you have truly forgiven them (no longer dwelling on it mentally or bringing it up or posting snarky passive aggressive posts on social media) but take the baby steps in that right direction. Don't let Satan hurt you twice with one offense, the hurt of the act that was done and then by holding you hostage with unforgiveness and bitterness.  

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.  Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."  Ephesians 4:31-32

Please take a few minutes to really meditate on that above verse.  Let it fill your heart and mind and let the Holy Spirit help you see ways you need to apply this verse.  Be still and know that living out the Golden Rule and practicing true forgiveness is how the Lord wants us to live our lives.


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