"You Can't Get Rid of Christmas"

"You can't get rid of Christmas!"  my 8 year old daughter quietly proclaimed after I had announced, not so quietly, I would do if the behaviors and actions of she and her older brother didn't change immediately.  It stopped me in my tracks because the way she said it made me realize she wasn't trying to back talk me but rather had a greater meaning of those words in her heart.  I asked her what she meant and she replied "Even if you get rid of the presents and the decorations you can't stop Jesus birthday."  WOW!  An arrow right to this mommas heart.  I was so caught up in the frustration of my children's incessant fighting and arguing that I had forgotten the true meaning of Christmas.  I mean I never forget it is Jesus birthday and that is why we celebrate this holiday but I had declared I would get rid of Christmas and I never thought about it being His birth we were celebrating when I made that declaration.  I was thinking of the decorations, the cookies and goodies and the presents under the tree.  Her statement brought things back into perspective.  Even if there are no decorations, no presents or goodies and no family or friend gatherings, Christmas is still Christmas.  It's not about those things.  When you get rid of all the bows and frills and jingle bells, carols and gingerbread houses, parties and lights, you still have the whole reason for this season, the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  His birth wasn't glamorous and it didn't make headline news (well at least not on his actual birthday).  His young mother Mary and his step father Joseph were tired and exhausted from a long dirty trip.  You know how you feel after a long car trip somewhere, well imagine having one donkey to ride, being 9 months pregnant and having no rest stops, bathrooms or places to grab some snacks and drinks.  When they finally made it to a place to stay, it was full.  There was no room for this pregnant momma who was almost ready to give birth.  They had to make a bed in the hay with animals in what was pretty much just a small barn.  Not nice barns like today either, just a dirty, animal and hay filled barn.  This is the place where Jesus was born.  There were no doctors, or medicines to lessen Mary's pain.  There were no family members and friends excitedly waiting to hear baby Jesus' first cries.  It was just Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus. And one would think that the birth of a King, the King of everything would be a grand event taken place somewhere in a palace, but God chose this place with these people and these circumstances to bring Jesus into this world.  He didn't bring the high and mighty to be the first people to see Jesus in the flesh, he brought simple shepherds to be the first people to come and worship Jesus.  (It was around 2 years later that the wise men came to bring their gifts and worship Him.)  There was no Christmas tree or lights. There were no gifts that first Christmas.  Just a precious baby, the Savior of the world, making his entrance into this world and having his mother Mary and Joseph and some shepherds to welcome Him.  
"And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins."  Matthew 1:21
"And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born.  She gave birth to her first child, a son.  She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them...but the angel reassured them. Don't be afraid!  he said.  I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.  The Savior- yes, the Messiah, the Lord- has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!"  Luke 2:6-7 & 10-11

So no matter what your circumstances are this year and whether or not you are feeling in the Christmas spirit, Christmas is happening and it has nothing to do with any trees or gifts or lights or parties.  You don't need any of those things to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  You can do that wherever you are, with little or much, simply by taking time to worship Him in your heart and being thankful He did come to this earth with the sole purpose of taking your place on the cross and making a way for any and all who will believe, to be saved!  This is the reason for the season and nobody (not even grumpy frustrated mommas who just want their kids to behave and get along!) can get rid of Christmas!  


  1. Very well said Momma. What a super smart and faithful little girl God has blessed you with the raise.

  2. Sooooo true. Out of the mouth of babes.I tell you, I feel like I learn more from Millie than she learns from me...well I teach her plenty of how not to act, if you know what I mean. The k you for sharing!


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