Contentment: Learning to Want Less Will Lead to More

Do you need more peace in your life?  Do you need more joy?  Do you feel like you never have quite enough of (fill in the blank)?  Do you ever feel like you, yourself, aren't quite enough?  There is one thing you do need more of and that is contentment
 "Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have." Philippians 4:11
Every day we are inundated with the misconception that we must have the latest and greatest of everything.  The latest iPhone, tablet, smart tv, laptop, upgrades to software, newest style trends, hairstyles, shoes, home decor trend, vehicle, etc and so on.  The list is endless in ways we are told we need to buy more, do more, have more, and be more. I remember one time when I had worked so hard to lose 70 lbs and was feeling really good about myself, I went to my doctor and instead of a really enthusiastic good job, I got "That's good, but you still need to lose 5 more pounds to be within your recommended weight range."  To say I was upset is an understatement.  I have always battled with self image and weight issues (either being too big or too thin) and the doctor knew this but instead of just simply saying good job and leaving it at that, he had to push for more, which really further damaged my self esteem and left me feeling once again not good enough.  It's the same thing with practically everything in life.  Nothing is ever good enough.  We can't stop and just be thankful and truly content.  And while trying to improve oneself is good and healthy, it becomes an all encompassing way of life and we end up in a cycle of constantly trying to get to the next level, reach the next goal, get the next item and never take time to rest in the beauty of contentment.  Living in a constant cycle of wanting more leads to comparing yourself and what you have to others and that always always, ALWAYS leads to feelings of insecurity, jealousy, and discontentment.  
"I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything.  I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.  For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."  Philippians 4:12-13 
Recently when my husband and I went out on a date we were looking around us and we both saw so much excess around us.  The amount of things people have here in America, the amount of completely needlessly spent money is actually really saddening.  As we sat and had dinner together we talked about this very thing.  Why is that people in third world countries have a true hunger and desire for God and His Word and will do anything it takes to hear the Bible taught and to have a Bible of their own?  It's because they don't have the distraction of luxuries and they are stripped down to nothing and truly understand their need for God!  And guess what?  This makes them truly rich!  "Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth."  1 Timothy 6:6  The distraction that money and material items has brought here in America has caused not only deep rooted discontentment and dissatisfaction, it's brought with it a distance from the Lord.  We get so preoccupied with the things money can buy, thinking that these things will make us happy, we lose sight of God's true purposes for our lives.  We lose beautiful contentment that brings with it God's kind of peace and joy.  To learn how, like Paul was talking about in Philippians 4, to live on almost nothing or with everything, is true contentment.   It comes from learning what's important in God's eyes and then making that your focus in life.  It's learning the difference between a want and a need. It's taking your eyes off what everyone around you is doing, buying, and being and getting your heart in tune with Gods.  It's learning how to live life open handed, being generous and giving to others.  It's learning how to trust God fully and completely and that kind of trust only comes from a place of being in true need.  Contentment brings such a sense of security and peace.  Realizing you don't need to dress a certain way or act a certain way or have the latest of everything to be happy is so completely freeing.  Learning to trust God to provide what you need, takes the stress off you to make sure you are in control of it all and have it all worked out!  Learning to be happy with whatever it is that God gives you, is contentment.  Learning that His love is not measured by what material blessings you have (just because someone has more than you does NOT in any way mean they are closer to God, He loves them more or that they have more of his favor than you), and that His blessings come more so in the form of peace, joy and opportunities to minister to others leads to learning how to be content in all circumstances.  If you can learn to be content with little, then when and if more comes you will not be affected by it and will know that God has allowed more to come your way as a means to bless others.  Don't let "things" dictate your life.  Learn to want less and then you will have more...more peace, more joy, more mental freedom, more genuine happiness.  
"Some people may contradict our teaching, but these are the wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.  These teachings promote a godly life.  Anyone who teaches something different is arrogant and lacks understanding.  Such a person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words.  This stirs up arguments, ending in jealousy, division, slander, and evil suspicions.  These people always cause trouble.  Their minds are corrupt, and they have turned their backs on the truth.  To them, a show of godliness is just a way to become wealthy.  Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.  After all we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can't take anything with us when we leave it.  So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.  But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.  For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.  And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pieced themselves with many sorrows."  1 Timothy 6:3-10

There is so much I could say about this passage!  I hope you take time to really read it and meditate on it.  There is so much wealth of knowledge here about what God says is true godliness and what is truly important.  (Side note-just by reading this one passage of God's Word, we can know for a fact that the "health, wealth and prosperity" doctrine some churches teach, is in fact NOT truth.  It goes directly against what God's Word says right here!)  Bringing it back to the topic of contentment though, we can understand from this passage that God wants us to be content because when we aren't we open ourselves up for a lot of spiritual trouble.  He wants us to live as peaceable life as possible and learning to be content is a great leap in that direction!  Learning to see material goods as a means of serving God by serving others is one way to helping us cultivate contentment in our lives. I want to wrap this up with a prayer that will hopefully help us get started on our journey to living a life rich in contentment!
Dear Lord,
Thank you for always loving us, right where we are, like we are and so unconditionally!  Please help us to be so much more thankful, deeply truly thankful for everything you have already given us.  Please change our hearts God!  Help us to learn how to live a life of contentment and in service to you.  Change our hearts focus from things and getting more, to fully trusting you to provide for our needs and living our life open handed, generously helping others with the things you have given us.  Thank you for always being so patient with us and never giving up on us no matter how many times we fail.  We love you God, make that love grow deeper and bigger and let our lives be an example of you to others.  We give you all the glory and honor!  In Jesus name, Amen!


  1. Oh, I LOVE this Stefanie. Speaks right to my heart and one of my greatest struggles in life. Third-world poverty is my heart's biggest burden and is the reason my "Cross Stitches" charity was born.
    Even if we had 3 square meals, adequate clothing, and a permanent shelter of any type over our heads, we'd be among the world's wealthiest. But yet we have SO MUCH MORE than this.
    I try to always extend the blessings in my life to others, and I am praying that in the construction of our new house, God leads me to bless others exchange students, lead regular Bible studies/ministries, maybe even adopt an older child in the upcoming years. I am praying, but in these early stages of just investing our savings, I constantly wonder if we are making the right decision. And God hasn't really said anything, one way or the other. I trust Him that he'll lead us to open our "new door" to His needs when the right time and the right people arrive.
    I also pray that my kids, who have never known "need," will one day carry the same burdens of my own heart.

    1. I have no doubt that you dear friend will use anything God gives you to bless others because you are already living that kind of life!! My hearts desire is also to bless people with whatever God gives me, be it little or much.


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