The Beauty of Removing Distractions

"When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers-the moon and the stars you set in place- what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor.  You gave them charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority." Psalm 8:3-6

Last night my husband kids and I made a fire in our fire pit in our back yard and enjoyed the cool crisp fall night.  I love where we live, out in the country. It's quiet and private and away from all city lights which means we have a breath taking view of the night sky and all the stars and beauty it brings. "He counts the stars and calls them all by name." Psalm 47:4  As I looked up in wonder and awe of God's handiwork, seeing hundreds of thousands of brilliant twinkling stars it came to me that this is just like what it's like with our lives and the distractions we surround ourselves with.  
If you are in the city or near a place that has a lot of light pollution or if there is a storm or cloudy skies you can't see the amazing beauty of the stars, but that doesn't mean they aren't there.  They are always there, you just have to get rid of the distractions to be able to see them.  Many times we are so busy running here and there and doing this and that and checking of to do items and agreeing to be apart of more and more events that we can't see what beautiful things God is doing.  We can't see where God really wants us to be or what He wants us to be doing.  We pray and pray and wonder why God is silent when in reality He's over there in a different place than you've been striving so hard, working out things waiting for us to join him and we just need to be willing to stop what we are doing, get rid of the distractions in order to see His handiwork in our lives.  Here is a life changing truth, being busy doesn't mean you are doing what God has planned for you to do, it doesn't mean that you are living your best life.  In fact being busy all the time just prevents you from seeing what God made you to be.  His plans never changes, just the like the stars are always in the sky, you just have to be remove the distractions of busyness, entertainment, peoples opinions,  and even your personal perspective to really grasp the beauty He has created for your life.  Stop chasing after what this world says will fulfill you, because no matter how much of it you acquire (wealth, status, power, flawless bodies, material goods, vacations, etc) you will still come up empty, needing more and more to fulfill you.  Be bold and learn it's ok to say no.  It's needful to be still.  It will feel very strange at first.  You may even feel guilty for not having every moment of your days filled with things to do. But you will start hearing God's voice in your life so much clearer when you remove all the distractions.  Until then you are missing out my friend, missing out on the wonder and beauty that God has in store for you.  You were created with a purpose, don't let the Devil steal that purpose from you by loading you up with distractions.  Get away from the city lights and look up at that night sky and you will be in awe of God's awesomeness!

"I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me." Psalm 57:2

"You can make many plans, but the Lords purpose will prevail."  Proverbs 19:21


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