"No Rest for the Weary"

As we rushed about our weekday evening, me making dinner, signing school papers, helping with homework, running one kid here and another there, the kids doing homework, chatting to me about their days at school, and working on their daily chores, I nonchalantly said out loud, "There is no rest for the weary."  My oldest child, a 13 year old boy, stopped in his tracks to wherever he was headed and replied "That's not what God says.  He tells us that He gives rest to the weary."  Feeling like I had been shaken awake I stopped what I was doing and looked him in the eyes and said "You are so right.  Thank you for that reminder."
He chuckled and looked a bit proud that He had "corrected" his mom and went on his way.
You see the world tells us that old saying about there being no rest for the weary but that is the exact opposite of what the Bible says.  Matthew 11:28 says "Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest'."
We were never meant to live our lives at break neck speeds, feeling weary and worn out all the time.  We get ourselves caught up in the worlds way of doing things and start believing that unless we are exhausted and worn out both mentally and physically every day then we aren't doing enough.  If there is a few free moments on our calendars then we must fill it up with more activity.  We must always be productive.  We must always be involved.  We can't say no without an excuse.  We can't relax without guilt, because "there is no rest for the weary."  

God has so much better than a rat race of a life planned for us.  He won't force his plans on us.  He beckons to us to see what He has to offer and waits for us to make the choice to try doing things His way.  There have been times when I am doing "nothing" that I get to do some of my best service to the Lord.  Whether that be the simple rejuvenation of my mental, emotional, and spiritual energy or literally resting in order to have more physical energy to accomplish the purposeful, needful things God does want me to be busy doing.  I have also had times where during a time of quiet and relaxing at home I have felt the nudgings of the Holy Spirit to reach out to different people or to pray for someone.  He has never given me those nudges without there being a purpose.  The last two verses of Matthew 11 says "Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy to bear and the burden I give you in light."

As you get ready to enter another new year I encourage you to refrain from making a bunch of popular society driven resolutions, and focus on casting your weariness and burdens on the Lord.  Resolve that 2019 is going to be a calmer year, one that you discover what you true purposes are and then run after those.  Take time to relax and be rejuvenated.  Lay down your burdens and see what it is the Lord has in store for you.


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