1 Corinthians 13 (In Light of Today's Issues) Pt. 1

As I was reading in God's Word today I was looking up verses on love and of course thought of the "Love Chapter" 1 Corinthians 13.  It is a common passage used at weddings but it struck me differently today.   As I read through it I could sense the Holy Spirit nudging me to write about how this chapter can be applied to our current issues.  So without further blabbering on, I will let the Holy Spirit lead as I attempt to break down each verse in this chapter and how it can be applied to today's relational struggles and issues.  

vs. 1 "If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn't love others, I would only be a noisy gong or clanging cymbal."
Being educated and an expert in various things is great, but it does not mean a thing if you don't use your education and areas of expertise to show love to others.  What are you good at?  What is something that you do well or have studied to the point of being considered an expert in?  Are you using these areas of your life to show love to others?  To benefit others?  Or are you using your expertise or education to make you feel superior to others?  Acquire more and more money and status?  As a child of God we should all be using what we are good at or are educated in to serve others in a loving manner.

vs.2 "If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God's secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn't love others, I would be nothing."  
Wow!  This one really spoke to me.  First of all, none of us understands all of the mysteries of God or knows His plans.  We do not fully understand every principle in the Bible nor do we have the kind of faith that moves mountains.  But even if we did have all of those things, if we did not love people (God's beautiful creation) with Gods kind of love, then we would literally be meaningless.  I've seen it happen too often, when people who gain a lot of Biblical knowledge or have been Christians for years and years start to look down on those who aren't where they are spiritually.  Sometimes Christians can be the most judgmental and unforgiving of any group of people and it should not be so!  We are representatives of the Lord and it says clearly right here in this passage, that if we have all that spiritual knowledge and faith in the Lord, but don't love others, it is all for naught.  As we grow in our walk with the Lord, we should love others even more deeply.  We should forgive others like we have been forgiven and not get on our high horse when someone isn't living the way we think they should be.  Love them first and foremost and let God do the convicting for change in their lives.  

vs. 3 "If I gave everything I have to the poor  and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn't love others, I would have gained nothing."  
Sometimes people donate to charities or give to the poor or do good things for others, not because they love them, but to get noticed.  They want to appear to be generous and they want the praise from others for their good deeds.  This is not love.  This is also a heart matter and something only you can know the truth about within yourself.  Do whatever you do out of a place of love for other people.  Are you protesting because you genuinely love others and think that is the best way to show your love?  Or are you doing it because it is the popular thing to do right now and you want to make sure you are "on the right side of things"?  Are you using your voice to show love, yes even love to those who do not agree with you or who aren't easy to love, or are you using your voice for other reasons?  This is a matter of the heart and something only you and God can deal with.  In the end, we will not answer to anyone for the lives we have lived, the causes we supported, the things we got involved in, other than God Himself.  And His Word clearly tells us what kind of lives we should be living, and those lives should be consumed with love for others and all we do should come from a place of that love.

vs. 4 "Love is patient and kind.  Love is not jealous or boastful or proud"
I don't know about you, but I do not see much patience and kindness going around these days.  Patience is definitely where I struggle more than anywhere else in my faith.  God is working on me about that!  Practicing patience with people in general can be difficult when we live in a "me first" society, but practicing patience with people who are hostile or angry is another whole ball game!  Sometimes all you can do is listen and not say anything, then go away by yourself and pray.  God will give you wisdom and He will lead you, you just have to be willing to follow.  Being kind is vitally important in our current world.  Thinking before you speak or post something and ponder how it may come across to others is very important.  Once again, do things out of a place of love for your fellow human being, not for any other reason.  God tells us here that being boastful and prideful is not a way to show love.  Love puts others first and doesn't try to gain the attention and spotlight for oneself.  Think about how that could apply today.  

vs. 5 "or rude.  It does not demand its own way.  It is not irritable and keeps no record of being wronged."  
Holy Moly!  This verse is being stomped on and blatantly ignored right now.  Rudeness abounds and it must stop!  Love is NOT rude.  It's not ok to mouth off to people or retaliate for wrongs that were done.  Two wrongs never make a right.  Hate never equates love.  Rioting and burning down businesses and homes, killing other people in the process does not bring anyone back to life or bring justice for their wrongfully lost lives.  It just continues the spread of hate and ugliness and death.  At some point we have got to say enough is enough and we are going to choose to forgive these terrible wrongs that were done. Choosing to practice love to all, even to those who do not love us and wish us evil.  I want to be that kind of person!  I will never be perfect at it, but I won't stop trying and neither should you!  Be courageous to step out and show God's true love to others through forgiveness and patience and kindness.

vs.6 "It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out."
Truth is not relative, it does not change.  As a believer our truth, real truth, is founded solidly on God's Word, which is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Truth does not change, no matter how society changes.  Until we accept this and lay aside "truths" we have accepted that do not line up with God's Word, then we cannot love people the way we are meant to love them.  We cannot want what is ultimately best for people if we are not loving them with the love of God.  We should not rejoice when God's Word is mocked or put down or left out of things.  Everyone has their own ideas of what justice looks like, but not everyone can be right, right?!  So it is imperative that we have a source of unwavering truth and justice to look to and this why it is so important for us to read and learn God's Word.  Take anything you read or hear and compare it to the Bible to see if it lines up.  God's word tells us that all people were created equally, so racism is wrong, as well as hating someone who is racist!  You do not have to agree with someone to love them (wish them no harm and pray for them.)  Love all, because God is love and he sent Jesus to die for all.  It really is that simple.  There is no skin color requirements for loving one another, there is nowhere that says you can only love those who share your opinions or follow your beliefs.  You simply have to love and let God handle the rest. 

vs. 7 "Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance."
We are a society who loves to give up at the drop of dime.  Someone makes us mad, we write them off.  Relationships (platonic, familial, work, church and romantic) are more disposable than ever.  Instead of working through matters and loving each other at our most unlovable times, we distance ourselves or even walk  way from the relationship if it requires too much of us.  All relationships require a lot of work and there will be difficulties in any relationship we have because we are all sinful humans dealing with sinful humans.  This does not mean we give up and walk away easily.  We fight for our relationships, we sacrifice for one another and love the way this chapter tells us to love.  We won't be perfect at it, because nobody is, but we never stop trying.  Love is the most important thing in this world and we should not be so quick to disregard it.  Love, as described in God's Word, is always worth the fight, the struggle, the hours spent on our knees in prayer.  We can and we will get through this mess of all that is happening right now, if we come together in love and stop any kind of hate and malice on our parts. We must fight for truth and justice, but do so in a way that promotes the love of God.  

*part 2 coming tomorrow*


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