To Be Still and Know...God Loves You Pt. 2
"And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 Let's take time to be still and understand that God's love covers all areas of your life. It's one thing to feel God's love and presence in the middle of an awesome church service or Christian conference or Bible study group. But in the middle of your every day life, you know, the making of meals, cleaning the house, running kids here and there, laundry, dishes, demanding work schedule, parent teacher conferences, homework with the kids, never ending bills, making dentist appointments and yearly checkups with the pediatrician, changing diapers, calling the plumber or repair man to fix something broken in your house, sending the car to the shop, God can seem distant or indifferent to your daily life. We forget that He very much cares about all of our life, every aspect of every day. He wants us to tak...