
Showing posts from August, 2015

To Be Still and Know...God Loves You Pt. 2

"And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:19 Let's take time to be still and understand that God's love covers all areas of your life.  It's one thing to feel God's love and presence in the middle of an awesome church service or Christian conference or Bible study group.  But in the middle of your every day life, you know, the making of meals, cleaning the house, running kids here and there, laundry, dishes, demanding work schedule, parent teacher conferences, homework with the kids, never ending bills, making dentist appointments and yearly checkups with the pediatrician, changing diapers, calling the plumber or repair man to fix something broken in your house, sending the car to the shop, God can seem distant or indifferent to your daily life.  We forget that He very much cares about all of our life, every aspect of every day.  He wants us to tak...

To Be Still and Know...God Loves You Pt. 1

Most of us at some point in our lives have heard "God loves you."  As Christians we throw that phrase around all the time.  God loves you.  But right now I want to begin a series on what "God loves you" really means.  What you can learn about God loving you from taking time to be still and understand.   God created the world because he wanted someone to love and have a relationship with. After Adam and Eve chose to sin and therefore bring separation between God and man, God still made a way for us to have a relationship with him.  A way that none of us as parents could possibly fathom.  He loved us so much that he chose to send his only son Jesus to earth through the virgin Mary and have Him live 33 years on this earth going through all the same kinds of trials we have to face just to be accused wrongly, severely beaten and sentenced to death taking our place on a cruel painful cross. "For God loved the world so much, that he gave his one and only S...

To Be Still and Know

What does it mean to be still and know?  In fact how does one be still?  This life is crazy hectic and loud, very loud.  We have so much on our plates from the moment we wake up til the moment our heads hit the pillow at night and there just never seems to be enough time to fit it all in.  So how on earth are we supposed to actually set aside time to be still before the Lord?  Lets be honest, being still doesn't come easily or naturally.  We have it ingrained in us to be active and doing doing doing at all times. Especially women.  For some reason we have the tendency to feel guilty for actually taking time to relax and do nothing.  We see an empty space in our calendar and instead of protecting that time we tend to fill it up.  I'm not going to elaborate on that particular detail as a wonderful Christian author already wrote a book about how to manage your time and be deliberate about not filling up all the empty spaces.   ("The Best Ye...


"Be still and know that I am God!  I will be honored by every nation.  I will be honored throughout the world."  Psalm 46:10 NLT This verse has been one of my "life verses" since I was in my teens.  Life verses are those passages of God's Word that you hold near and dear to your heart and use throughout your life in many different situations to sustain, strengthen and encourage yourself.  In my 26 years of being a Christian (accepted Christ as my Savior at age 5 back in 1989) I have come to understand the importance of learning how to truly "Be Still".  This blog is to encourage and strengthen and challenge women to learn how to be still in the Lord and the wonderful peace and blessings that come from learning how to apply the "Be Still" command in your own life.  We live in a world of hurry, rushing and trying to do more and more until we are run ragged and emptied out of all mental, emotional and physical strength. Learning how to be sti...